[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed bug 5701: linkHandler Hook Not Initialized Properly, patch supplied by Jeff Segars

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Fri Sep 28 11:30:19 CEST 2007

Hi Dmitry,

> Tell me what bad can happen if hook is added? It does not change how that
> typo3 version works if no one is using the hook. But even if someone uses
> it, it is still better than XCLASS because XCLASS requires copying of the
> whole (often huge) function, which means that any bug fixes to this
> function into core are not used. So hooks are always less harmly than
> forcing people to XCLASS.
> At the moment I have a project where one typo3 class is heavily XCLASSes.
> It is horrible to port it to 4.2 because that class is reorganized in 4.2
> completely. If there were hooks, it would be much easier to work with.

Why don't you just add the hooks into a plain XCLASS copy of the file you
need? Should be pretty simple I think...

Anyway, here's my major reason for not adding hooks to patchlevel releases:
Talking to a customer we usually talk about 4.0, 4.1, etc.
Feature XY depends on TYPO3 4.1 and there is no need for him to know the
three-level-version number.

I personally think that the third level of the version number is just a
service-level, something that should be kept up to date by anyone who's
hosting a TYPO3 website. Users should never care about it, even not when
they want to try out a new extension / hook.

- michael
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