[TYPO3-core] RFC: no table icons shown when endtime is used

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Wed Sep 12 19:13:44 CEST 2007

Hello Benjamin, 

> Couldn't reproduce this problem. Can you tell me with what extension 
> this problem occurs and how I can reproduce this?
> Seems no problem with pages and tt_content records. 
> Also if you say that it breaks compatibility, I'd suggest only adding 
> this to trunk.

E.g. if you install tt_products and enter some tt_products tables, then you 
will see only the question mark symbol in the page and list module as soon 
as an end time has been entered. I think there should no be any demand to 
provide a special symbol for the case when a product's record is visible. 
This is fine with me if a record is unvisible (endtime is in the past) and 
no special icon is available. 



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