[TYPO3-core] RFC: add Galician language to TYPO3

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Thu Sep 6 15:10:05 CEST 2007


This is SVN patch request.

Branch: trunk

Problem: there is a request to add Galician language to TYPO3.

Solution: add it.

- using "ga" because "gl" is already taken
- using "wset_european" instead of "unicode" because there is already a 
definition for Galician as "west_european" in t3lib_cs
- if Masi gives +1 I will wait one more day and commit

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 freelancer / TYPO3 core team member
Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
Skype: callto:liels_bugs
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