[TYPO3-core] RFC: Add user function support to Constant Editor
Ingo Renner
ingo at typo3.org
Sun Sep 2 11:04:28 CEST 2007
Hi all,
Am 25.08.2007 um 19:44 schrieb Ingo Renner:
> Problem:
> The constant editor offers a limited set of configurable input types
> Solution:
> add a new type "user" so that extension authors can add new input
> types as needed
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this version of the patch also includes the changes to the EM It was
necessary to remove the check for ext_conf_template.txt during the
installation of an extension as it would raise errors if an extension
uses the userFunc configuration options editor rendering. It seems
that when showing the form for the configuration options the required
classes from the extension aren't loaded yet. Therefor this step will
now be skipped and the user returns to the previous screen. As the
extension is fully installed now, the complete options form is shown.
Nevertheless the problematic step is not skipped when aDB table needs
to be created, but the options are still not shown to prevent errors
popping up.
The bugtracker reference [1] also includes a test extension with user
rendering of constant editor fields (original intention), EM options
user rendering and table creation.
[1] http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6169
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