[TYPO3-core] RFC 5588: Typolink cannot be created if FE user is logged in with access restrictions

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Tue May 15 08:52:37 CEST 2007

Hello Oliver, 

> Franz Holzinger wrote:
>> Here is the patch file. 
>>> If a FE user has logged in and wants to send a link inside of an
>>> invitation email, which is not visible to logged in users, no pid will
>>> be added to this link. 
>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5588 
> I don't think that this is a good idea. getTypoLink() is used as
> builder/wrapper to create the $conf array for typolink(). Providing a
> own $conf array and overwriting it by getTypoLink() might lead to
> confusion in encapsulation. Why don't you use typoLink()/typoLink_URL()
> directly in sr_feuser_register?

I need more configurable typolink wrapper functions also for other 
extensions. If you don't want me to put this code into TYPO3 Core, I would 
make sr_feuser_register depend on fh_library, because I do not want to have 
duplicate code copied into many extensions.
(see http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1963 and discussions on Extension 
Coordination Mailing List, where I have wanted to put it into the lib and 
div extensions without any success.)

> Furthermore, feature patches should be created agains Trunk and not
> against the tag of the latest release in the stable branch.

Unfortunately no backend module works with the current SVN trunk. I could 
still not manage to make it working even with a fresh install with no own 
extensions installed and an empty database - it does not matter which 
browser or server I use.
I will ask on the English mailing list if it remains unusable as it is now. 

 - Franz

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