[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5177: RTEhtmlarea not correctly displayed in IRRE child form-fields and tabs

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Tue May 1 17:00:52 CEST 2007

Hi Oliver,

> the one month the patch was committed to Trunk is almost over.
> Did anybody experience any negative issues on the bugfix? I attached a
> patch for TYPO3_4-1 to the bugtracker - this is currently tested by some
> other people at the T3DD07.
> So, if nobody objects, I'd like to commit this for the 4.1 branch the
> next few days.

I was talking to Joey H. who mentioned problems with rtehtmlarea in
combination with IRRE. So probably he can also give you some feedback about
this change.

Other than that, the change seems fine, so go ahead.

- michael
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