[TYPO3-core] Improved page tree (and lots of other fixes)

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2007 at typo3.com
Thu Jul 12 15:05:25 CEST 2007

Jens Hoffmann - our usability guy - says this:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jens Hoffmann <jens.hoffmann at baiz.org>
> Date: July 12, 2007 2:32:18 PM GMT+02:00
> To: Kasper Skårhøj <kasper2007 at typo3.com>
> Subject: Re: Improved page tree (and lots of other fixes)
> Hi Kasper,
> NICE ONE!!!!
> I really love the filter Idea!
> And I really like the grouping Idea.
> But I doun't think the Grouping Interface could be better.
> Why do we need to have to Interfaces for one Concept?
> Isn't a filter basicly, at the  end, not the same as a Group?
> So I would recommend to use a Combobox for this.
> 1. Filter the Tree
> 2. Select a spcial Filter for eg. Page Types to reduce the Pagetree  
> to this.
> 3. Maybe just remove all unneeded Pages for Mode 2 (eg. Only  
> Sysfolder in Pagetree left)
> 4. Show only Pages with a special Content on it ... find stuff  
> faster in old projects ... where was what ?
> Here is a Quick Draft ... (sorry no time at the work right now :( )

> What do you think? :)
> Skype me if like a short discussion about it. :)
> Greez Jens
> Am 12.07.2007 um 11:23 schrieb Kasper Skårhøj:
>> Hi Jens,
>> As the usability guru, please give me your feedback on the  
>> description of the two mentioned features in the page tree below:
>> - kasper
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Kasper Skårhøj <kasper2007 at typo3.com>
>>> Date: July 12, 2007 11:23:10 AM GMT+02:00
>>> To: TYPO3 core team <typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de>
>>> Subject: Improved page tree (and lots of other fixes)
>>> Hi Guys
>>> I worked for Dassault some weeks back and did a lot of  
>>> modifications to the core. Mainly those modifications regards the  
>>> workspaces/versioning parts of the core - and generally parts  
>>> that I have created myself. I agreed with Stucki that I can just  
>>> commit these changes with a "FYI" sent to the core list.
>>> However, there is one change which is conceptual and I would like  
>>> your approval of. See the attached screenshot:
>> <pastedGraphic.tiff>
>>> Feature 1: In this picture you see that I have added a little  
>>> filter-box in the top of the page tree. When you type in letters  
>>> here, a JavaScript function will search the DOM of the page and  
>>> change the class for entries in the tree where the title doesn't  
>>> match the typed string (case-insensitive). If there is no match  
>>> the page title is dimmed. It automatically updates when AJAX  
>>> changes the tree as well. (This is very nice if you have a huge  
>>> page tree normally unfolded)
>>> Feature 2: All pages that are not shown in the navigation menu is  
>>> now grouped under the title "Not shown in menu (alphabetic)".  
>>> Furthermore they are sorted alphabetically. This change was  
>>> inspired by Dassault Systems who has maybe 100 pages on the root  
>>> level in order to create nice urls (like http://3ds.com/campaign- 
>>> name/) and only 8 of them actually shown in the menu. The actual  
>>> navigation pages are easily lost track of. With this feature you  
>>> see navigation-pages for themselves and all other pages for  
>>> themselves - sorted alphabetically which we assume people would  
>>> like to have it.
>>> Since I have everything in the same patch I would like to know if  
>>> you agree to this idea and if so, I suggest that I commit it all  
>>> in one go.
>>> Here is the changelog for my complete patch:
>>> - Dual-preview for workspaces are only used now if the checkbox  
>>> "Frontend Preview" is not checked.
>>> - Whole workspaces can be previewed now for users with no backend  
>>> login by a simple link you can email. Same functionality as the  
>>> preview link for individual pages available from the  
>>> Web>Versioning module. The function is found in User>Workspace  
>>> (Workspace manager)
>>> - Workspace "swapping" for "New"-placeholders and "Deleted"- 
>>> Markers is now supported. Previously, both types would be  
>>> published, not swapped. The change also means that effectively  
>>> the difference between the value of "t3ver_state" being 1 or 2 is  
>>> only cosmetic and the semantic depends on whether the field is  
>>> set for a record being online or offline. TYPO3 core API is  
>>> updated on the issue.
>>> - In the t3lib_cli class, optional parameters to CLI script  
>>> options are supported (optional parameters are configured with []  
>>> brackets)
>>> - Change in t3lib_refindex so setReferenceValue()
>>> - RTEmagic images are now duplicated when records are copied/ 
>>> versioned in tcemain. This is a long awaited feature that solves  
>>> the bug that RTE magic images shared between too records would  
>>> result in both disappearing if the one was deleted. So its in  
>>> fact a critical fix for workspaces.
>>> - The "lowlevel" cleaner scripts are updated to allow fixing of  
>>> double-references to RTEmagic images (by duplicating them). Also  
>>> the script allows to remove all "lost" RTEmagic images found  
>>> inside uploads/ folder.
>>> - Moving elements in FlexForms up and down is now fixed so it  
>>> works even if indexes of elements in sections are not ordered  
>>> numerically (bugfix)
>>> - Workspace titles are required to be unique now.
>>> - File upload in the Web>File module will always result in  
>>> redirection to the Filelist view of the target folder. This is a  
>>> usability enhancement for people who were puzzled that it could  
>>> redirect to other locations or a blank page (namely the  
>>> previously shown page).
>>> - The navigation page tree now has a nifty searchbox that uses  
>>> JavaScript and the prototype library to search and highly/dim  
>>> elements in the tree. Very handy for quickly finding your way in  
>>> huge page trees. (I think there is a stylesheet problem with  
>>> Firefox on PC which doesn't dim elements).
>>> - The navigation page tree is organized so that all pages shown  
>>> in the menu are grouped in their normal order while pages not in  
>>> menu and sysFolders and ordered alphabetically below.
>>> - User > Workspace module now has a browser-functionality so only  
>>> 50 versions are shown at a time and you can browse the list.
>>> - Changed label "Draft versions" to "Workspace versions" - some  
>>> found it more intuitive.
>>> (And the patch is attached if any of you care to study it)
>> <patch_core.txt>
>>> (Patch is almost complete; However, I will not submit the changes  
>>> to "t3lib_db" that it documents and there are a few other minor  
>>> changes)
>>> - kasper
>>> ----------------------------
>>> NOTICE: NEW EMAIL for 2007: kasper2007 at typo3.com
>> - kasper
>> ----------------------------
>> NOTICE: NEW EMAIL for 2007: kasper2007 at typo3.com

- kasper

NOTICE: NEW EMAIL for 2007: kasper2007 at typo3.com

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