[TYPO3-core] RFC: Integrate mod.web_list.deniedNewTables as opposite of allowedNewTables

Ingo Renner contact at ingo-renner.com
Wed Jul 11 18:20:30 CEST 2007

Am 11.07.2007 um 15:22 schrieb Oliver Hader:

Hi Olly,

> I'm wondering because allowedNewTables should take precedence.
> mod.web_list.allowedNewTables defines the tables that can be  
> created and
> denies all others that are not defined there.
> Examples:
> There are the following four tables:
> tt_news, tt_address, tt_guest, tt_something
> 1) [...].allowedNewTables = tt_news,tt_address,tt_guest
> -> this denies a record of tt_something from being created
> 2) [...].allowedNewTables = tt_news,tt_address,tt_guest
>   +[...].deniedNewTables = tt_news,tt_address,tt_guest
> -> still allows tt_news, tt_address and tt_guest
> 3) [...].allowedNewTables = tt_news,tt_address,tt_guest
> -> could also be written as [...].deniedNewTables = tt_something and
> avoids a long configuration line if you just want to deny a single  
> table
> out of e.g. 50

I'll test it again later tonight...


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