[TYPO3-core] hiliting of current page in a WS

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sat Feb 17 18:54:04 CET 2007

Michael Stucki schrieb:
>> * Do we have a sound version numbering for such a scenario?
> The version number is increased after every new version in TER. Once we
> merge it back into TYPO3core, we just keep this number.

There is a problem with that as a necessary change in the extension 
within the Core should raise the patch version.


TYPO3 4.1.0 ships with sysext "foobar" 1.0.0. In 4.1.1 we fix a bug 
which makes it 1.0.1. If the ext in TER gets a fix or a new feature it 
should be 1.1.0 (to have a distinct patch level for the Core version!).

TYPO3 4.2.0 will then ship "foobar" with version the resynced 1.2.0 (or 


PS: BTW, can we set the state of all sysext to stable and raise the 
version number to at least 1.0.0? It's a bit odd to install TYPO3 on a 
customer's machine and the sysadmin asks why there are beta versions in 
a clean system.

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