[TYPO3-core] [TYPO3-ect] Re: Wishlist from ECT

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Feb 12 11:31:37 CET 2007


this is a cross-posting in teams.core and teams.extension-coordination.
Follow-ups please in teams.extension-coordination.

Joerg Schoppet wrote:

>> Ingmar Schlecht forwarded our proposal for additional folders
>> /typo3/contrib/pear and
>> /typo3conf/contrib/pear
>> to the core-team.
>> There the actual opinion is, if there is an extension, than there should 
>> be no exception.
>> So my question for this is the following. As I see it, in the actual 
>> TYPO3 4.1RC1 there is a folder /typo3/contrib, which holds e.g. 
>> prototype and script.aculo.us js-libraries, but there is also an 
>> extension script.aculo.us ?!?

"contrib" are third party libraries used by the core itself (which used
to be hanging around somewhere in typo3/ or other directories). This is
not a repository for general "third party source-code" which might be
used by extensions. Those still are meant to be installed as extensions.

Elmar Hinz wrote: on 12.02.2007 11:06:

> the whole proceeding shows the difficulties with closed lists and with
> closed teams and with so called elites at all. From their mighty position
> they make extensive decisions before they even start to think. As soon as
> a proposal comes from outside it is not their own idea, so it has to be
> bad and reflexions happen before thinkings happen. PEAR has a systematic
> system of pathes, PEAR has a working forms lib. From their reactions
> it seams to me they fear it.
> Looks as if the TYPO3 core team could be in a better state. The leading
> heads of TYPO3 didn't even understand problem. Maybe it's time to look out
> for an alternative. :-)

I did not understood why we need to misuse the new typo3/contrib/
directory for something that in my eyes is clearly an extension. So
maybe someone from the ECT could sum-up the arguments in favor of
"creating an empty directory in typo3/contrib", because the core team
clearly didn't see why it is needed. Remember that the core members
might not be involved in the ECT mailing list and probably don't follow
the discussions here. Even I, which read the list, cannot understand why
one would need that empty directory.

The core team just got the information:

> In the ECT-mailinglist we found out, that a defined installation-point
> for PEAR would be great. In the moment it's this:
> /typo3conf/ext/bypear/PEAR/
> Joerg Schoppet said, that you created the "contrib"-folder for 4.1.
> Could you add this folder as empty folder, so that admins can use it,
> if they need PEAR-packages?
> /typo3/contrib/pear/PEAR

ok, but why? In my eyes:

- System-wide PEAR is still /usr/share/php or whatever the default
system PEAR path is. This is also where the cmd-line tools "pear" will
install stuff, and should be in include_path if a mass-hoster wants this
available for their users

- Locally installed PEAR modules should go into typo3conf/. A suggestion
from the core list is typo3conf/tx_pear/, which would be handled by an
extension called typo3conf/ext/pear/.

So unless we see better arguments for that, I don't see what the Core
Team could have done with that information.


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