[TYPO3-core] Typo3 and Installatron

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Tue Feb 6 17:12:14 CET 2007


thank you for offering your help for improving the installation of  
TYPO3. As we already have a feature freeze and are about to release  
4.1 - probably - within the next two weeks, it's a bit late for that  
version. However, I can imagine that changes - if they are neccessary  
- can be included into TYPO3 4.2.

As I am only working on TYPO3 5.0 at the moment (which is far from  
being finished), I forward this email to the core developer's mailing  
list who work on the upcoming 4.x versions. One of the core devs can  
then pickup your topic and create a feature request in our bug tracker.

Best regards,
Robert Lemke

Am 20.01.2007 um 06:21 schrieb Rowan Crawford:

> Hello,
> I see you have Typo3 4.1 in the works and wondered if I could talk  
> you into adding support for auto-installers with the final release  
> of 4.1.
> I handle the Typo3 installer for Installatron (http:// 
> www.installatron.com), and due to the complex install and upgrade  
> system used by Typo3 the iTron installer has a bit of a hard time  
> of it (and doesn't support upgrading at all).
> For an auto-installer like Installatron, the best case scenario is  
> the ability to install and upgrade the script entirely from within  
> Installatron.
> In the case of installing, Installatron can prompt the user for  
> things like install location, database details, and administration  
> password, email address, etc. It then extracts the archive(s), can  
> import .sql files, call .php files over a socket, and edit files/ 
> tables.
> Upgrading is the same, except without the install prompts.
> If you'd be interested in adding auto-installer support for 4.1 I'd  
> be more than happy to supply any information you need, and work  
> with the coders. But essentially it would just need the ability to  
> be installed and upgraded without user interaction -- just a  
> minimal set of steps that can be performed by the installer to  
> complete the install or upgrade.
> Let me know what you think.
> Cheers,
> Rowan.


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