[TYPO3-core] RFC #5065: Feature: Make hardcoded (250000 bytes) max attachment size for mailform configurable

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Mon Dec 17 22:03:13 CET 2007

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
>> Perhaps the size in TYPO3_CONF_VAR can be in kb rather than byte.
> I like ries idea. So I would suggest introducing this change with
> "bytes" and then add a generic "modifier conversion method" to t3lib_div
> later which can then be used on that (and other) settings.

Agreed. +1 for the current solution plus a BT entry for for a new 
t3lib_div function with corresponding $TYPO3_CONF_VAR byte settetings 
handling throughout the Core.

>> Maybe maxAttachmentSizeFormmail instead formmailMaxAttachmentSize to be
>> in line with the previous two "formmail" config vars.
> Yes, I thought a bit about it, but the previous variables change the
> "mode of operation" of formmail (thus "secureFormmail" and
> "strictFormmail"), which this is a formMail "setting". So my "self+1" is
> still for "formmailMaxAttachmentSize".
> So a quick poll. What do you prefer?
> - formmailMaxAttachmentSize
> - maxAttachmentSizeFormmail

Well. It probably should be the even longer 
maxAttachmentSizeForFormmail. Oh dear, I think my idea wasn't that great.


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