[TYPO3-core] RFC: 6945 Log login failures with t3lib_div::syslog()

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Thu Dec 13 11:55:02 CET 2007

Andreas Otto schrieb:
> Why do we need something extra?

Because we have only a log level (info ...-> critical), but no 
facility/type (message, news, auth).

A failed login is IMHO simply not to be mixed up with other error types. I 
can do such stuff with the syslog daemon, but I cannot do it with sysLog(). 
I may choose ONE Unix facilty for all logs.

You could send infos to one log and everything higher in another file. But 
the info logfile would get all other entries as well. If I have the chance 
to get an auth log, then I want a clean one.

With the options to log

* failed logins only
* all logins
* logoffs
* session timeouts *


* Currently not possible due to oversimple session handling.

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