[TYPO3-core] RFC: 6945 Log login failures with t3lib_div::syslog()

Andreas Otto andreas.otto at dkd.de
Thu Dec 13 11:40:35 CET 2007

Hi Masi,

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> I have thought about that too. But I think what is missing is the
> 'facility' concept of Unix' syslog. Because I don't want my auth logs to
> be mixed up with my other logs *. But others may want to.
> So I suggest we get a t3lib_div::authLog() that may be configured to use
> either the standard TYPO3 t3lib_div::sysLog() or does it's own logging.
> Masi
> * may be sent to emails etc as well!

The method t3lib_div::syslog() follows the configuration you have made
in the install tool, right?

There you can read:
String, semi-colon separated list: Defines one or more logging methods.
Possible methods:
"file" logs to a file, "mail" sends the log entries via mail, "syslog"
uses the operating system's log, "error_log" uses the PHP error log. The
level is the individual logging level (see [SYS][systemLogLevel].
Facility may be one of LOCAL0..LOCAL7, USER (on Windows USER is the only
valid type).

Why do we need something extra?



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