[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #6237: Hook request for Web>Page plugin "additional info" display

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Aug 30 11:26:42 CEST 2007

Franz Holzinger wrote: on 30.08.2007 10:54:

>> The select_key is not being used anymore by the majority of extensions,
>> which now usually opt to use pi_flexform for storing setup
>> configuration. So it would be nice to be able to display some other
>> information instead of "CODE:".
>> The proposed hook provides enough flexibility so that extensions can
>> display whatever they want on that place for their plugins (some setup
>> from flexform, maybe even a list of records which will be displayed, or
>> whatever else might be interesting in this overview).

> this would be a good improvement.
> However I think it is not fine to call this hook for every extension.
> Imagine you have an extension tx_example and written a hook to display
> the flexform on this page for this extension, then its hook function
> will also be called if the plugin is for extension tx_anotherexample.
> The hook should contain also the key of the extension for which you want
> the replace the CODE field.

The key (list_type) is included in the $row information that is passed
along. I can imagine an extension that wants to replace "CODE:" by
something else in the complete TYPO3 setup with something more
meaningful (like extracting certain info from flexform, or just
displaying nothing, or displaying "configured by flexform" or whatever
makes sense).

But I agree that it should be possible to setup just handling your
specific list_type, which is what each extension will then be able to
do, as the extension knows best its own plugin setup.

So I propose v2 of the patch, which enables handling specific keys, but
also enables some extension to handle all keys that are not being
handled elsewhere (_DEFAULT).

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