[TYPO3-core] Domain records and rootpages

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Wed Sep 20 15:39:01 CEST 2006


This is a SVN patch request.

Currently the page which shall get shown and get's passed via the "id=" parameter has to
be "inside" (below) of the page which contains the domain-record matching the currently
requested URL.
This has been introduced to inhibit links to other domains in the same installation. As then
the domain would stay and a page from the other domain would get shown using the currently
browsed domain.
There is already an feature which allows to make links to pages in the other domain in which
case the domain-part of the URL is properly replaced (check for "config.typolinkCheckRootline"
in TSRef or tslib_content.php).

This patch adds an configuration option which allows that requested pages can be outside of the
branch which contains the respective domain record.

The sense behind this patch is that when the patch get's applied you have the possibility to place a
domain record on some page down in the page-tree. This page will then act as an "entry point" when
the URL specified in the domain record get's hit in the webbrowser without and &id= parameter specified.

Currently you will always end up on the page which contains the domain-record.


 |-- Page A
 |-- Page B (<== domain-record for "www.mysite.com"
      |-- Page B.1
 |-- Page C

When you hit "www.mysite.com" (without any &id= parameter) you will always get "Page B".

When you now click onto a link to Page A currently you will still stay on Page B. Only if you
view a page "below" the page with the domain record (Page B.1) it will work properly.

When the patch is applied and the option "domainRecordsOnRootopages" is cleared in the install tool
you will be able to access all pages.

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Rosa Luxemburg, 1871 - 1919
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