[TYPO3-core] Planning 4.1

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Fri Sep 15 10:15:32 CEST 2006

Hi Robert,

Robert Lemke wrote:
>>     - Frontend forms library shipped with the core
>> Anyone?
> What frontend forms lib are you referring to? Just in general or
> anything specific?

I didn't have a specific one in mind, it was just a point that
(surprisingly, I think) was top-priority on some of the group-work
papers of the T3DD 4.x brainstorming sessions.

I know there are quite some very mature FE form libs out there
(ameos_formidable, sg_zfelib and admin_interface), but I don't know if
any of them should really be included in the core as "the way to go".

What do you think?

>>     - Team Communication in the BE
>> I guess this is about "Who's online" in the Backend and maybe the
>> possibility to get into a chat contact with other online Backend users.
>> It probably also includes the possiblity to make internal comments on
>> records and stuff like that. I don't have any direct relation to this
>> nor do I need it. Anyone interested? Does this belong to HCI?
> Just a little gremlin which could be fixed a the same time: If a BE user
> logs out, don't display "User X started editing this record X minutes ago".

Yep, that's a bugger! Probably it wouldn't be that hard to fix, as long
as people really use the log-out button.


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