[TYPO3-core] --- Reminder ---

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Mon Sep 11 16:23:22 CEST 2006

Kasper Skårhøj schrieb:
>>>   1) [TYPO3-core] RFC: feature request: user function for
>>>      t3lib_iconworks::getIcon
>>>      http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-team-core/2006- 
>>> September/005617.html
>>  Still missing one +1 or does Kaspers +1 count for two ;-)
> No,
> I looked at the patch now:
> a) I think you should not configure the user function in Page  TSconfig. 
> It "feels" for me like something that belongs globally in  
> TYPO3_CONF_VARS. For example, you could use TYPO3_CONF_VARS 
> [SC_OPTIONS][GLOBAL][iconProc] to set up a user processing function  for 
> icons. Ify ou do so you must add an entry in config_default (like  I did 
> for "softRefParser_GL") to notify of this feature. Other opinions?

Currently I have no idea why I want different icons in different parts of 
the page tree. But I have no ideas why I want a custom icon function at all ;-)

So too me a TYPO3_CONF_VAR option is more than enough.

> b) It seems that you only process "pages" icons - that is not general  
> enough! I want the user function to get the possibility to act on any  
> icon type and output an alternative icon.

Yes. But I'm not really comfortable with the patch. The icon processing as 
it is now, is broken in respect to skinning. I don't think that adding a 
custom function helps much in sorting out the issues.


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