[TYPO3-core] RFC: Orphaned record display in Localization View

Sebastian Kurfuerst sebastian at garbage-group.de
Fri Sep 1 20:52:56 CEST 2006


This is a SVN patch request.

When working in the List module, and having switched on "Localization
View", you can see how translated records belong to the "original
language" versions.
If a user deletes now a record in the original language when the
translation still exists, this leads to some inconsistency. You can see
this if opening the "orphaned" translated record, and you'll see that
the "Transl. Orig" field shows "INVALID VALUE".
It would be nice to see these orphaned records in the list view as well.

The attached patch makes it possible to see the orphaned records in the
list view when having localization mode enabled. It changes the
background color of the item and gives the user a hint of the problem.
Currently, orphaned records are displayed _not at all_ in the list
module when having the "Localization view" enabled.

Additionally, I have done some small cleanup as I had to touch the file
anyways. The patch _w contains the patch itself without whitespace
changes (so only the functionality), and the other patch contains the
functionality and the cleanup.

Branches: Trunk only


Gimme Five!

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