[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed bug #3777 - thumbs.php looks for file in t3lib/gfx instead of typo3/gfx

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Thu Oct 12 16:55:05 CEST 2006

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Hi!
> I've changed the wrong reference to PATH_t3lib.'gfx/notfound_thumb.gif' 
> with PATH_typ3.'gfx/notfound_thumb.gif'. I also had to add 
> define('PATH_typo3', PATH_site.TYPO3_mainDir), because I wanted to use 
> the same constants as everywhere.
> BTW, in t3lib_div and class.t3lib_extmgm.php are direct references to 
> typo3conf (PATH_site.'typo3conf/') instead of PATH_typo3conf. Is this 
> worth changing in 4.0?
> Masi

I have made this changes

PATH_site.'typo3conf/' => PATH_typo3conf
PATH_site.TYPO3_mainDir => PATH_typo3

in these files:


But there is a problem in class.t3lib_extmgm.php:




In theory I can change PATH_typo3 and PATH_typo3conf to whatever I like. 
But then those relative Paths will break.

And another problem is in class.em_index.php:

var $typeRelPaths = Array (
  'S' => 'sysext/',
  'G' => 'ext/',
  'L' => '../typo3conf/ext/',

Here again the relative paths would be broken.

Did anyone ever try and change the default paths? As I see it, EM has to 
generate a relative path from the two absolute paths.


PS: There is no PATH_typo3temp

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