[TYPO3-core] Supporting Thai in the index searach

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Wed May 31 22:35:56 CEST 2006


On Monday 29 May 2006 12:24, Michael Stucki wrote:
> I remember myself once voting for no system extensions in TER, basically
> because this can lead to incompatibility issues with future TYPO3 versions,
> and because someone will have to upload them again after new TYPO3
> releases. Both points are still very valid.
> 1) can probably be automated (Karsten?)
> 2) would be very easy if someone integrates the ter_update_check extension
> into the EM...

I am not sure I fully grasp those two points, but:

 * Compatibility can be solved by specifying strict version dependencies. This 
at least helps for all using the new EM.

 * For uploading the extensions we'd need a script (although it isn't strictly 
needed), to make life easier. I don't get the link to ter_update_check, 
though... Writing such a script shouldn't be too hard... :)

If the incompatibility-problems are solved and the work can be avoided there 
is IMHO *no* reason not to put those extensions in the TER. Instead we'd gain
 * updateability
 * online documentation
Should be worth it, IMHO.

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member
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