[TYPO3-core] new skin

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Tue May 23 14:03:45 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Martin Kutschker wrote:

> There are so many small issues it'll never stop *sigh*

Did you ever believe that ?

I think it was on last years OSCON when some OpenSource Guru (I think it was Richard
Stallman) held a talk about Software and OpenSource Software in general ...

He noted that a car, bridge or building - which are really masterpieces of mankinds
engineering arts - are built up by a few thousands or hundred thousands of pieces ...

But if you count for example the lines of code in the Linux kernel you end up with a
few hundred thousand lines - and each line can consist of multiple function calls ...
And that's just the kernel - there is also a glibc, a whole bunch of other libraries
graphical user interfaces and CMSs :)

In his opinion software are the most complex engineering tasks in our world ... There
are such a lot of interconnections and dependencies between the single parts ... and
every one changes.

This is a never ending process ...

But I wont say that fixing issues isn't fun ... It takes time - and sometimes we think
it isn't the best thing to spend our time.

But for me it's some kind of hobby :)

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Rosa Luxemburg, 1871 - 1919
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