[TYPO3-core] CVS Problems

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed May 10 12:41:26 CEST 2006

Hi Andreas,

> It is not the server load that makes SF.net CVS services unavailable from
> time to time. However, they do care about backups. Compared to the amount
> of projects they host everything works well.

I agree, although however the problems have occured very often in the last few 
weeks/months (in most cases they happened exactly in the moment when we 
needed them the most).

> > + can integrate issue tracker with versioning system
> Should be possible with SF.net as well to integrate it into TRAC when
> syncing the local repository with the SF.net repository. Of course this has
> to be investigated.

Are we allowed / is it possible to install TRAC on Sourceforge together with 
the existing Subversion repository? I have no idea how these components are 
bound in Trac.

Regards, michael
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