[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix FE user login for DBAL

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Tue Jun 27 23:15:20 CEST 2006


On Tuesday 27 June 2006 22:43, Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Karsten Dambekalns schrieb:
> > If a database matches null only with IS NULL,
> Well, makes sense, doesn't it. '' is not null (and vice versa), that's a
> fact ;-)

Yes, now go and explain that to the Oracle folks, thanks. They treat '' as 
NULL. Go figure.

> For HEAD we should resolve the issue whether the column may be null at all.

Not for any HEAD that is going to become a 4.x. Trust me...

> I've seen in in your other patch something to the effect of "let's not
> use NOT NULL at all". Cannot say I like it. NOT NULL makes sense. In
> fact NULL values should IMHO be avoided in the DB.

Yes, sure. All the NOT NULL fields *only* work currently on MySQL, because 
*all* fields *always* have a default value in MySQL, even if none is given 
explicitly. (I guess I explained that a dozen times by now, here and on other 

So if MySQL would not accept an INSERT or UPDATE query with a NOT NULL field 
not having an explicit default *not* being assigned a value in the query, 
almost all of TYPO3 would break instantly. Most INSERT and UPDATE statements 
mention only a few of the available fields...

Try switching MySQL 5 into strict mode, so that it treats NOT NULL as other 
RDBMS do. Then quickly switch it off again...

> Especially because they are mapped ill in the PHP DB-APIs. A DB NULL
> should be a PHP NULL, not an empty string.

That's why the approach taken works, it doesn't matter (for us).

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member
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