[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 2462: dummy-package misses some typo3temp directories

Dmitry Dulepov typo3 at accio.lv
Thu Jun 8 12:27:55 CEST 2006


Michael Stucki wrote:
> Nothing looks more unprofessional than a PHP setup with display_errors 
> enabled. Change your configuration to use error_log instead.

Usually I think like this too but while this is 100% true for FE, it is 
not always true for BE. For example, only when errors are turned on, you 
can see that EM has no memory anymore or that flexform tools could not 
process flexform. In fact, I would be happy if PHP errors can always be 
on for BE. Or at least, if there is a separate setting for this.

"It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.)

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