[TYPO3-core] optional array arguments

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu Jun 8 11:34:53 CEST 2006

Martin Kutschker a écrit :

>Bernhard Kraft <kraftb at kraftb.at> writes on 
>Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:04:41 +0200 (METDST):
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
>>>What we could do about it is writing a custom error handler
>>>function(http://php.net/set_error_handler) and ignore foreach
>Hm, looks very dirty to me.
This looks much better than the current solution where we would need so
many checks if something is an array at all.

>>I'm also in favor of a T3-error handler since a long time !
>What exactly should a general T3 error handler do?
An error handler could generate the error message, display it, make
entries in log files and send emails to responsible persons. Then it
could offer a frontend screen asking the user how he wants to continue.
There could be several configuration options for such an error handler.
The advantage would be that all extensions could behave in the same way.



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