[TYPO3-core] RFC: fix bug #1801 (no real read-only TCA field)

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Fri Jan 27 19:05:32 CET 2006

Hi Martin,

> Well, the configuration has changed and I've added the "number" type.
> But if noone objects I'll commit the code. I think the basic patch is fine
> and useful. And IMHO we can still change/adjust the config options/types
> before the RC (and perhaps til the final) as this is now only a beta.

Your patch is still fine, but I just want to remind you to not get used to
say "it's only a beta".

If we treat it like this, all development that happens before a first beta
would be alpha code, but that is obviously not what we want.

Our goal was always that the CVS code is stable at every moment.

I'm pretty sure that you have the same motivation, I just wanted to raise my
finger because I've read it more than just once in the last few weeks...

On the other side, your comment is still true. We need feedback of our
users, that's why we release beta versions, and that's why the change is
not critical.

- michael (TYPO3core policeman)
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