[TYPO3-core] RFC: drag&drop to copy/move pages

Holzinger Franz franz at fholzinger.com
Tue Jan 24 13:44:10 CET 2006

Hello Michael,

>if (strcmp(t3lib_div::_GP('dragDrop'),'')) {
I prefer the usage of a local variable for this, because this is more
understandable than the strcmp function.

$dragDrop = t3lib_div::_GP('dragDrop');
if ($dragDrop) {
$this->iParts[0] = $dragDrop;

>return $CMcontent;
-1 for that
The other code with the second menu option would get lost here.
The user would not get the DB menu any more and compatiblity would be
lost here.
There should be one return at the end of this function.
So at least the normal DB click menu should be extended with a secondary
menu. Normal users would miss the normal menu entries.

>function printDragDropClickMenu($table,$srcId,$dstId)	
I think this function should be fully incorporated into
printDBClickMenu($table,$uid) and into printFileClickMenu($path).
Or did I understand something wrong?

The rest of the code is fine and it could be a good improvement.



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