[TYPO3-core] Please, advise me about [not] using TSConfig

Dmitry Dulepov dima at spamcop.net
Fri Jan 13 10:52:33 CET 2006


I post here rather than to "dev" list because extending TSConfig is more
a core question than typical "dev" question.

I think about providing a patch to bug repositoty for TemplaVoila that
allows to extend its list of rendering types. For those, who do not
know, rendering types let define various visual representations for the
same data. This is very useful if the same data must be displayed
differently on various parts of the site (for example, full and short
product descriptions).

Currently it is not possible to add new rendering types without making
an extension and modifying $TCA in that extension, which is not a clear way.

Thus I though about using TSConfig + callback function to analyze it and
add rendering types to $TCA using itemProcFunc. Having reread discussion
about default language, I got a feeling that use of TSConfig is
discouraged. Am I right? If yes, I have to look for other ways. If no,
it will be easy to users: they will just add TSConfig for TemplaVoila
and get rendering types in the list without need to write extensions.

Among others I especially want to hear from Michael and Robert because
they were not happy about using TSConfig in that default language


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