[TYPO3-core] RFC: #2119: Clean-up in mailform code: more TypoScript flexibility

Sebastian Kurfuerst sebastian at garbage-group.de
Fri Jan 6 11:43:54 CET 2006

Hi Michael,

I had a more in-depth look at Ernesto's patch and I believe I can answer
your questions:
> as promised, here are my comments:
> I don't like to have redundant TS keys:
>   $confData['typeUpper'] = strtoupper($confData['type']);
> After all, Typoscript properties have always been case sensitive. Even if
> you still want to introduce case-insensitivity (could be confusing for some
> people - why here, not there?) it would be much easier to use this one
> instead:
>   $confData['type'] = strtolower($confData['type']);
I agree... However, type is already lower-cased:

$confData['type'] = trim(strtolower(end($typeParts)));

> The next thing that bugs me is that $conf['accessibility'] seems to be
> completely ignored. You write that this is now controllable through
> Typoscript, but either a false or a true $conf['accessibility'] will
> require manual changes therefore.
It is just not needed anymore. We introduced it with beta1 to make the
mailform accessible. It changed the output of the mailform directly in
The "accessible" flag has been set in default TS depending on the

Ernesto has changed it now to a more generic way - by changing the code
in a way that accessibility just depends on the TypoScript settings.
Before, we have set the accessibility flag depending on compat_version,
and now we set the accessible TypoScript when compat_version is set to
4.0.0. - So there is _no_ change to "external" behavior. Only the syntax
of the form cObj is more generic now and the flag "accessibility" is
obsolete again and not supported - but as it was not in any updated
TSref, I don't see any issue with it as it is only usable in TYPO3 4.0

> This needs to be changed - for some reason $conf['accessibility'] is
> configurable and not selected by default.
> Why don't you keep the accessibility flag but set it automatically depending
As said above, it is already changed depending on compat_version.

> +  PASSWORD.addParams = id="###ID###" class="csc-mailform-password"
> +  FILE.addParams = id="###ID###" class="csc-mailform-file"
> +  TEXTAREA.addParams = id="###ID###" class="csc-mailform-textarea"
> +  SELECT.addParams = id="###ID###" class="csc-mailform-select"
Ok, will do that. Good suggestion!

I'm eager to hear your comments,
Greets, Sebastian

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