[TYPO3-core] Bug 633
Bernhard Kraft
kraftb at kraftb.at
Fri Jan 6 02:52:02 CET 2006
Hash: SHA1
A compount mail answering all questions from Martin and Franz regarding the
Bugfix for #633.
New patch is attached.
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Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Why is directoryLevel a property and not a local variable? If I read the patch correct $this->directoryLevel is
> your contribution. I suggest
> a) that you initalize it to 0 as it's used later in calculations and
> b) make it local ($directoryLevel instead of $this->directoryLevel).
> Is there a wrong indentation in the patch?
> + return $retVal;
Was a mistake. Sorry. Fixed that also.
> The patch also adds a stdWrap to special.value. Please add the correted documentation to TSref.
(Just for completeness again ... I already answered that):
In TSRef it is already stated that this IS a stdWrap field (but it wasn't) so the documentation
is more up-to-date then the code :)
> As for the patch itself. I'm not really familiar with the menu code.
I was asked 3 times in the last few weeks for the patch because it is not available at the URL where
I published it first because the domain it was hosted on was moved. I had to direct all those people
to the bugtracker where the patch also resides.
I didn't get any single "bugfix bug report" ... meaning it seems to work properly.
This part of the menu code isn't that complicated:
$startLevel = $directoryLevel?$directoryLevel:$this->entryLevel;
if (is_array($this->tmpl->rootLine[$startLevel+$this->menuNumber])) {
$nextMParray = $this->MP_array;
if ($this->tmpl->rootLine[$startLevel+$this->menuNumber]['_MOUNT_OL']) { // In overlay mode, add next level MPvars as well:
$nextMParray[] = $this->tmpl->rootLine[$startLevel+$this->menuNumber]['_MP_PARAM'];
$this->nextActive = $this->tmpl->rootLine[$startLevel+$this->menuNumber]['uid'].(count($nextMParray)?':'.implode(',',$nextMParray):'');
} else {
$this->nextActive = '';
It just get's evaluated if the "actualy rendered" menu level is in the rootline - if this is the case
the page is "active" (opened) and the sub-items shall get shown (this is done by setting this->nextActive)
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Holzinger Franz wrote:
> Hello Bernhard,
> from the TSRef documentation:
>>If .value is not set, the default uid is the .entryLevel uid.
> Maybe this is missing in your code.
Added it.
> This would be a usefull general function to get the depth of a page to
> the rootline.
Added it to t3lib_tstemplate.php ... i think that's the correct location as the
rootline is also stored in this object ...
If you would prefer another name than "getRootlineLevel()" let's disscuss your preference :)
> In t3lib/class.t3lib_tstemplate.php line 442 you have
>>$this->rootLine[] = $this->absoluteRootLine[$a];
> You have written:
>>+ if
>> { // In overlay mode, add next level MPvars as well:
>>+ $nextMParray[] =
>> }
> So hopefully this works, however you are relying here on the index
> number of rootLine in the template object. This is however not
> documented anywhere that you can rely on this index number. Or am I
> missing something?
$arr = array(5 => 1, 12 => 2);
$arr[] = 56; // This is the same as $arr[13] = 56;
// at this point of the script
Note: As mentioned above, if you provide the brackets with no key specified, then the maximum
of the existing integer indices is taken, and the new key will be that maximum value + 1 . If
no integer indices exist yet, the key will be 0 (zero). If you specify a key that already has
a value assigned to it, that value will be overwritten.
So the values will get assigned in a "defined" order starting from 0 and counting up.
This is used in many places in the core and you can rely on the indexes being in a properly sorted
order :)
> I cannot believe that this works:
> $this->directoryLevel are e.g. numbers from 1 to 10. This is added with
> entryLevel and the menuNumber to give the index of the rootLine array.
> Or is only one number valid at a call of this function?
Yes. There was a problem. Normally nobody would normally try (until now - I did :) to use special = directory
and "entryLevel =" at the same time (in the same HMENU).
Currently it behaves in such a way that it shows the menu depending if you are enough pages from the "real"
rootpage in the tree (if entryLevel=1 you need to be on a subpage of the rootpage and the menu will get shown)
But the menu get's not shown FROM the level you define by entryLevel as it is the case with "no-special=directory"
menus (So you will only see the second level items) but always from the rootpage you define by the special.value property.
I know a little bit confusing but try out with the current code how it behaves and you will know what I mean.
> --> directoryLevel
Fixed. (Removed and replaced by startLevel)
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I would really like to get this into 4.0beta2 (or RC1)
If you have any questions contact me via ICQ: 113830220
- --
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Rosa Luxemburg, 1871 - 1919
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