[TYPO3-core] Bugfix #760 GIFBUILDER 256 colors

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Feb 9 00:12:58 CET 2006

Hi Bernhard,

>> What about a runtime check like is_callable('imagePNG')?
> So you are in favour of a "internal_ext" extension.

No, simply use PNG when imagePNG is callable, otherwise fallback to GIF
unless gdlib_png is set (should be the case anyway when imagePNG is

> The only extensions which can come into conclusion are those supported by
> both: gdlib and IM cause images get writte/read by the one and
> read/written by the other (and vice versa :)
> That leaves us with:
> png,wbmp,jpg,gif In the order i would them prefer for colorful images or:
> png,wbmp,gif,jpg In order I would prefer them for black/white images or
> low color high contrast images
> An autodetection could get done in the install tool where the matching
> combinations for gdlib and IM are evaluated and intersected and the best
> one in one of the above orders (colorful ?) will get choosen

Don't make things too much complicated than they are. Define an order and
check for any of these formats until it matched.

> You will have to discuss that with Michael who is in favour of letting the
> user only set gdlib_png to 1 and everything (internal and output) is in
> png ...

See my other comments. Hope this clears things up.

> in my opinion the internal_ext option is a nice feature for people who
> like to show "look we have old (school) gif on our page which are
> supported by every browser" :) I for myself prefer generating pngs.
> Decide quickly because it should get into beta3.

You have (at least) one more day.

- michael
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