[TYPO3-core] RFC: devLog in t3lib_db

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Fri Dec 1 16:07:21 CET 2006

Hi Ernesto,

> Maybe we could have some place where we put patches that are of minor
> impact but didn't enter 4.0.x because it is a new feature, so that a
> "power-admin" could patch his 4.0.x with those small additions that he
> might find useful, but the "regular" 4.0.x user will have less bugs the
> larger the "x" is.

We already have the bugtracker for this. All we need to do is

- be strict to open bug reports for every change (useful?)
- append the patches before closing the bugreports (I usually do that already)

Another option would be to append a notice, pointing to the SVN changeset. In 
this case, someone could write a little script that outputs a specific 
changeset as a download for our users.

> I must confess I never used devLog or syslog before, so I cannot vote on
> which one is better. I usually debug with pure "echo" statements. :)

Ouch! At least debug() and t3lib_div::debug() would be a huge step forward ;-)

- michael
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