[TYPO3-core] RFC: #3026, 'Image Quality label'

Wolfgang Klinger wolfgang at stufenlos.net
Wed Aug 23 11:37:36 CEST 2006


 On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, Michael Stucki wrote the following:
> What is wrong with the label "Quality"? Actually these values fit pretty
> well as "qualities":
> JPG/Very High
> JPG/High
> JPG/Medium
> JPG/Low
> JPG/Very Low
> So I prefer to not change the first label, last but not least because
> "Quality" is written in a lot of manuals already (consider those people who
> get confused if an icon changes the color ;-)).
> Anyway, I agree about the 2nd label. "Dont change!" is wrong and misspelled.
> I just dislike the trailing "at all" - never seen that in any labels, though
> not sure if you are right. I suggest "No processing" would be better.

 Again, the problem is that this dropdown mixes up two different things.
 You are right that JPG/Very High & Co. are "Quality" items, but the
 entry "Don't change" does not only lead to no change to image quality, 
 but (more importantly) to no other changes to the image too 
 (no resizing, ...)
 (selecting an entry here has only consequences in the case of 
 modifications to the image anyway)

 If you don't want to change the labels I at least suggest to add
 a short (in terms of not as short as it's now ;-) ) description 
 to the context sensitive help.

 But for me it's ok to dismiss this issue at all, I for myself know 
 what happens when selecting "Dont change!".


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