[TYPO3-core] RFC: pageNotFound_handling HTTP status fix

Dmitry Dulepov dima at spamcop.net
Wed Apr 26 13:46:03 CEST 2006


Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Do you think it would be better to return an array with an error code and message. The code would signify what method has been chosen (CURL, etc).

It will break compatibility.

> If you, the list members, don't like this, as I think you do, we could add error logging (level notice or warning) into this function.

I do not see a reason for this. If cURL is enabled, it is used.
Situation is pretty clear.

getURL is used in a number of places in the core, I think logging it all
will slow down the system.

"It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.)

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