[TYPO3-core] Extension dependencies of T3D exports

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Mon Apr 3 18:02:26 CEST 2006


Karsten Dambekalns schrieb:
> Hi.
> On Monday 03 April 2006 17:48, Michael Stucki wrote:
>>big thanks, I will try it tonight, right before we're going to finalize
> Good. I just tried it again, and it went through ok. That's it for today from 
> me, sorry.

I gave it a shot and ran into the:

"error: The extension MD5 sum could not be fetched from extensions.md5.
Possible reasons: network problems, allow_url_fopen is off, curl is not
enabled in Install tool"

However it was due to the fact that on this site it happened I just
hadn't selected "mirror list/Random" in Settings yet.

Little bit confusing.... ;(
Maybe add "you haven't selected a mirror in settings, ...."?

Peter Niederlag * Neuer Sandberg 9 * 31535 Neustadt *
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