[TYPO3-core] Bug #2994 and the update wizard

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Sun Apr 2 13:00:56 CEST 2006

Hi Martin,

Martin Kutschker wrote:
>>> BT: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=2994
>>> An improvement in 4.0 causes now a problem for PHP4.
>>> SYS[t3lib_cs_utils] 
>>> allowed regarding to the docs the value "iconv". But this was bogus
>>> until TYPO3 4.0. "iconv" is now allowed but *only* for PHP5.
>>> I don't want to add a PHP5 check to t3lib_cs. 
>> Actually, I dont like such checks in there either, but I think it's
>> the only way to go.
> Why?!?!? 
> SYS[t3lib_cs_utils]=iconv NEVER EVER WORKED AT ALL. You could have
> set it to SYS[t3lib_cs_utils]=blah with the same effect. The docs 
> in config_deafult.php were wrong all the time.

Sorry, I misunderstood the problem.

So the only problem is upgrading users from 3.8 who have set the
t3lib_cs_utils option to iconv even though it was never working, and now
that it does work, but only with PHP5, they get error. Right?

> I have asked two times here how I can make the update witard check this. No one bothered to tell me if this is possible at all.
> SO is still think if that an item on the things-to-do-on-upgrade-list is enough:
> "If you have set SYS[t3lib_cs_utils]=iconv and use PHP4 you jave to change this setting. From 4..0 on this only works with PHP5 (and was a blind option withou any effect in previous versions of TYPO3)."

Yes, you could indeed require the user to check a checkbox like "Yes, I
understand that the setting 'iconv' only works with PHP5" while the user
is changing compatVersion to 4.0 in order to use the new features.

But I think the changeCompatVersion step is not the right place for such
a thing, because people that want to keep compatVersion set to 3.8 would
never go in there, and still their site would break if they have
t3lib_cs_utils set to iconv.

If you'd like to add a check to the changeCompatVersion step anyway,
have a look at how the css_styled_content extension adds its checkbox in
the last line of ext_localconf.php:

Quoting from your other mail:
> Add the check in config_default.php. If PHP4 undo the users settings. SO te check is only called once.
> Such post-user-settings-checks are already in config_default.php for IM-related optiones. So I see no problem in adding this check.

Sounds like a good way! The attached patch implements this.

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