[TYPO3-core] RFC: Content slide core integration

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Sat Sep 17 16:50:21 CEST 2005


This is a CVS patch request.

Type: Feature

The Content slide extension allows to show the content element(s) of the parent pages
if none exists on the current page. This version for the core also supports a mode called
"collect" where all elements till the rootpage (or a configurable depth) are fetched and
displayed (collect mode was a feature request to the extension)

* The diff looks like a lot of change at the first glance but in fact most of the code is the
same and just got indented one level more because of the do/while loop around it. I attached
a second diff created with "-w" option for easier reading.
* The while statement at the end always evaluates to false when $conf['slide'] is not set. So
the default behaviour is not changed in any way for sure.



Documenation changes (add):
TSRef Section "8.0.9 CONTENT:"
Property: slide
Data type: integer
Description: When set and no content element found for set pidInList, rootLine will get traversed back until content
is found. -1 means slide back till siteroot, 1 means just actual level, 2 one level back. Use -1 in combination with
Property: slide.collect
Data type: integer
Description: When set all content elements found on actual and parent pages will get collected. Set amount of levels
to collect or -1 to collect till siteroot.
Property: slide.collectFuzzy
Data type: boolean
Description: Only useful in collect mode. When no content elements have been found for given depth in collect mode it
will traverse further till it finds at least something.
Property: slide.collectReverse
Data type: boolean
Description: Changes order of elements in collect mode. If set element of actual page will be on bottom.

"Freiheit ist immer auch die Freiheit des Andersdenkenden"
Rosa Luxemburg, 1871 - 1919
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