[TYPO3-core] RFC: protect localconf.php from being lost

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Fri Dec 16 15:17:38 CET 2005


On Friday 16 December 2005 11:08, Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Write the new config to a temp. file. Check if this has been written
> properly and replace the old file.


Only recently the way localconf.php was backed up has been changed to avoid 
information disclosure. The temp file being written with this patch does not 
have a PHP file extension any longer. If anything goes wrong before the file 
has been renamed, this may lead to disclosure of confidential information (db 
account, ...).

Solution: change the temporary filename so it ends with .php

Additionally I would delete the temporary file if it has been written but did 
not match the check wit strcmp or could not be renamed. This avoids a 
cluttered filesystem.

As for the die() calls - what about just putting the error message into 
$this->messages[] and hope the admin will look carefully enough at the 
output? This way it could be called "graceful" error handling, somewhat at 

Karsten Dambekalns
TYPO3 Association - Active Member

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