[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 1030, 277, 1472 possibly 1270

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Wed Dec 14 17:34:12 CET 2005

Hash: SHA1

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Berhard, we discussed it and you know I'm all for it. Just for the rest of the list: really, really old browsers will have troubles with non-ASCII characters, but I think it's better to have working multi-charset support for current browsers than Latin1 accents with browsers of the stone age.
> And we have a negative logic again. I think it is easier to understand if you used "$hsc=true" and "if ($hsc) $value = htmlspecialchars($value);".
> Otherwise +1

Of course browsers before netscape 4.0 (i guess) will not support this.

> PS: I hope you have found all occurences of the rawurlencode stuff.

I just found those reported ... for example those in t3lib_tceforms.php seem
to work properly because no problems are reported ... most of them use
the below mentioned:

> PPS: In the Core there is some more strange JS related logic. Perhaps this can be removed as well:
> $LANG->JScharCode()
> typo3/sysext/lang/lang.php

And I think it will be quite a time-taking job of refactoring those ...
not that it will be difficult or there might occur many problems but you
just have to find out for every little string used in JS if it get's used in
script tags or tag-attributes.

I do currently not have the time to do this (and also I am not quite happy that
there are no "real" (+/-1) responses to my speed refactored t3lib_parsehtml.php class)

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