[TYPO3-core] RFC: eval API (#1639)

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Mon Dec 5 15:40:53 CET 2005

Hi guys,

this one looks like a really useful feature I have been waiting for a 
long time.

I just looked at the patch and tested it briefly.

Here are some comments.

instead of...
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EVAL']['myext']['extraeval1'] and accordingly 

...make it:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EVAL']['tx_myext_extraeval1'] and accordingly 

...because it makes it simpler and doesn't have any disadvantage


Sysext "evaluations" should be called "formeval" because it then 
explains that it is about
*form* evaluations.


Files in the config array should be referenced using 
EXT:myext/class.tx_myext_evalcalss.php syntax resolved using


I would like to remove the hack for evals from the sysext "evaluations" 
because if we have a workaround for the old evaluations, we could just 
as well have left them in their original place. I think they should work 
*exactly* like any other evaluation using the API.

So I'd remove this chunk of code:
+			} else {
+					// eval methods from sysext "evaluations"
+				if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('evaluations')) continue;
+				$classPath = 
+				$className = 'tx_evaluations_methods';
+			}

The only difference between evals of the "evaluations" sysext will be 
that they don't have
a prefix like tx_evaluations_trim but will be called just e.g. "trim".

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EVAL']['trim'] = array(
	'file' => 'EXT:evaluations/class.tx_evaluations.php',
	'class' => 'tx_evaluations',
	'method' => 'trim'


Kickstarter should be able to create new evals (it should have a new 
section "Form evaluations").
Those new evaluations should directly be selectable for fields of the 
"New Database Table" and "Extend existing table" section of the kicki.


OK, that's if for now.

Keep up the good work!


Sebastian Kurfuerst schrieb:
> This is a CVS patch request.
> Type: (Bugfix / New feature / Code cleanup)
> => New feature
> Description:
> see http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1639
> Sometimes it would be useful to add special evaluations to be used in
> TCEforms. As an example, if the user needs a special date evaluation in
> the BE, he currently has to XCLASS the evaluations and add some custom
> JS. To make this more clean, an eval API would be nice.
> Solution:
>       * currently, the JS part and the PHP part of an evaluation are
>         located in different places => difficult to maintain
>       * all built-in evaluations removed from the core and put into a
>         sysext "evaluations".
>       * new evaluations need to be added to $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EVAL']
>       * every evaluation has a JS part and a (possible) PHP part, as
>         usual
> Possible issues:
>       * the evaluations sysext is not installed by default I think, how
>         can we install it automatically on update? Maybe with the update
>         wizard?
>       * $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EVAL'] is maybe not the right place for
>         evaluations. Suggestions?
> Branches: (HEAD / TYPO3_3-8 / TYPO3_3-7)
> => HEAD
> Bugtracker reference:
> => http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1639
> Files:
> .patch - core patch
> _evaluations.t3x - sysext implementing the current evaluations
> _example_evaluations.t3x - example extension for a custom evaluation
> The documentation is still missing, but this will be created as well.
> Thanks to Thomas Hempel who provided this patch.
> Greets, Sebastian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --- ../../typo380_original/t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php	2005-10-30 13:10:53.140232000 +0100
> +++ class.t3lib_tcemain.php	2005-11-06 15:12:18.703791248 +0100
> @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
>  	var $copiedFileMap=array();
>  	var $checkValue_currentRecord=array();		// Set to "currentRecord" during checking of values.
> -
> +	var $evalClasses = NULL;					// hold instances of classes for evaluations
>  	/**
>  	 * Initializing.
> @@ -1930,73 +1930,37 @@
>  		$set = true;
>  		foreach($evalArray as $func)	{
> -			switch($func)	{
> -				case 'int':
> -				case 'year':
> -				case 'date':
> -				case 'datetime':
> -				case 'time':
> -				case 'timesec':
> -					$value = intval($value);
> -				break;
> -				case 'double2':
> -					$theDec = 0;
> -					for ($a=strlen($value); $a>0; $a--)	{
> -						if (substr($value,$a-1,1)=='.' || substr($value,$a-1,1)==',')	{
> -							$theDec = substr($value,$a);
> -							$value = substr($value,0,$a-1);
> -							break;
> -						}
> -					}
> -					$theDec = ereg_replace('[^0-9]','',$theDec).'00';
> -					$value = intval(str_replace(' ','',$value)).'.'.substr($theDec,0,2);
> -				break;
> -				case 'md5':
> -					if (strlen($value)!=32){$set=false;}
> -				break;
> -				case 'trim':
> -					$value = trim($value);
> -				break;
> -				case 'upper':
> -					$value = strtoupper($value);
> -#					$value = strtr($value, 'áéúíâêûôîæøåäöü', 'ÁÉÚÍÂÊÛÔÎÆØÅÄÖÜ');	// WILL make trouble with other charsets than ISO-8859-1, so what do we do here? PHP-function which can handle this for other charsets? Currently the browsers JavaScript will fix it.
> -				break;
> -				case 'lower':
> -					$value = strtolower($value);
> -#					$value = strtr($value, 'ÁÉÚÍÂÊÛÔÎÆØÅÄÖÜ', 'áéúíâêûôîæøåäöü');	// WILL make trouble with other charsets than ISO-8859-1, so what do we do here? PHP-function which can handle this for other charsets? Currently the browsers JavaScript will fix it.
> -				break;
> -				case 'required':
> -					if (!$value)	{$set=0;}
> -				break;
> -				case 'is_in':
> -					$c=strlen($value);
> -					if ($c)	{
> -						$newVal = '';
> -						for ($a=0;$a<$c;$a++)	{
> -							$char = substr($value,$a,1);
> -							if (strstr($is_in,$char))	{
> -								$newVal.=$char;
> -							}
> -						}
> -						$value = $newVal;
> -					}
> -				break;
> -				case 'nospace':
> -					$value = str_replace(' ','',$value);
> -				break;
> -				case 'alpha':
> -					$value = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z]','',$value);
> -				break;
> -				case 'num':
> -					$value = ereg_replace('[^0-9]','',$value);
> -				break;
> -				case 'alphanum':
> -					$value = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]','',$value);
> -				break;
> -				case 'alphanum_x':
> -					$value = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]','',$value);
> -				break;
> +			$funcData = t3lib_div::trimExplode(';', $func, 1);
> +			
> +				// determine the correct class
> +			if (count($funcData) > 1)	{
> +					// userdefined evaluations
> +				$evalConfData = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EVAL'][$funcData[0]][$funcData[1]];
> +				$classPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath($funcData[0]).$evalConfData['file'];
> +				$className = $evalConfData['class'];
> +			} else {
> +					// eval methods from sysext "evaluations"
> +				if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('evaluations')) continue;
> +				$classPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('evaluations').'class.tx_evaluations_methods.php';
> +				$className = 'tx_evaluations_methods';
> +			}
> +			
> +				// make a new instance if necessary
> +			if (!isset($this->evalClasses[$classPath]))	{
> +					// create new instance and store it in class array for later use
> +				require_once($classPath);
> +				$evalClass = t3lib_div::makeInstance($className);
> +				$this->evalClasses[$classPath] = $evalClass;
> +			} else {
> +					// else fetch the instance from the class array
> +				$evalClass = $this->evalClasses[$classPath];
> +			}
> +			
> +				// execute evaluation method
> +			if (method_exists($evalClass, 'evaluateFieldValue'))	{
> +				$value = $evalClass->evaluateFieldValue($value, $func, $is_in, &$set);
>  			}
> +		
>  		}
>  		if ($set)	{$res['value'] = $value;}
>  		return $res;
> --- ../../typo380_original/t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms.php	2005-11-06 09:52:37.432787672 +0100
> +++ class.t3lib_tceforms.php	2005-11-06 15:12:01.213450184 +0100
> @@ -279,8 +279,9 @@
>  	var $additionalJS_pre = array();			// Additional JavaScript, printed before the form
>  	var $additionalJS_post = array();			// Additional JavaScript printed after the form
>  	var $additionalJS_submit = array();			// Additional JavaScript executed on submit; If you set "OK" variable it will raise an error about RTEs not being loaded and offer to block further submission.
> +	var $additionalEvalJS = array();			// Additional JavaScript for user defined evaluations
> -
> +	var $evalClasses = NULL;					// hold instances of classes for evaluations
> @@ -932,6 +933,56 @@
>  		$item.='<input type="hidden" name="'.$PA['itemFormElName'].'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($PA['itemFormElValue']).'" />';			// This is the ACTUAL form field - values from the EDITABLE field must be transferred to this field which is the one that is written to the database.
>  		$this->extJSCODE.='typo3FormFieldSet('.$paramsList.');';
> +			// create and add the methods for checking userdefined evaluations
> +		if (is_array($evalList)) {
> +			foreach ($evalList as $evalData) {
> +				$funcData = t3lib_div::trimExplode(';', $evalData, 1);
> +					
> +					// determine the correct class
> +				if (count($funcData) > 1)	{
> +						// userdefined evaluations
> +					$evalConfData = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EVAL'][$funcData[0]][$funcData[1]];
> +					$classPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath($funcData[0]).$evalConfData['file'];
> +					$className = $evalConfData['class'];
> +					$methodName = $className.'_' .$funcData[1];
> +					$funcName = $funcData[1];
> +				} else {
> +						// eval methods from sysext "evaluations"
> +					if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('evaluations')) continue;
> +					$classPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('evaluations').'class.tx_evaluations_methods.php';
> +					$className = 'tx_evaluations_methods';
> +					$methodName = $className.'_'.$funcData[0];
> +					$funcName = $evalData;
> +				}
> +				
> +						// make a new instance if necessary
> +					if (!isset($this->evalClasses[$classPath]))	{
> +							// create new instance and store it in class array for later use
> +						require_once($classPath);
> +						$evalClass = t3lib_div::makeInstance($className);
> +						$this->evalClasses[$classPath] = $evalClass;
> +					} else {
> +							// else fetch the instance from the class array
> +						$evalClass = $this->evalClasses[$classPath];
> +					}
> +				
> +				if (method_exists($evalClass, 'returnFieldJS'))	{
> +					$this->extJSCODE .= "\n\nfunction ".$methodName."(value) {\n".$evalClass->returnFieldJS($funcName)."\n}";
> +					$this->additionalEvalJS[] = $methodName;
> +				}
> +				
> +				if (method_exists($evalClass, 'returnBasicJS') && !isset($this->basicJSMethods[$className]))	{
> +					$isInclude = false;
> +					$script = $evalClass->returnBasicJS(&$isInclude);
> +					if ($isInclude)	{
> +						$this->basicJSMethods[$className] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$script.'"></script>';
> +					} else {
> +						$this->basicJSMethods[$className] = '<script type="text/javascript">'.$script.'</script>';
> +					}
> +				}
> +			}
> +		}
> +
>  			// Creating an alternative item without the JavaScript handlers.
>  		$altItem = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$PA['itemFormElName'].'_hr" value="" />';
>  		$altItem.= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$PA['itemFormElName'].'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($PA['itemFormElValue']).'" />';
> @@ -4146,12 +4197,25 @@
>  			$this->TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged_func='TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged_fName(fName,formObj[fName+"_list"]);';
> +				// create call method for user defined evaluations
> +			if (count($this->additionalEvalJS) > 0) {
> +				$this->extJSCODE .= "\n\nfunction evalFunc_userFunction(name, value) {\nswitch (name) {\n";
> +					// add a switch case for every user defined evaluation
> +				foreach ($this->additionalEvalJS as $evalMethod)	{
> +					$this->extJSCODE .= "case '" .$evalMethod ."':\n newValue = " .$evalMethod ."(value); break\n";
> +				}
> +				$this->extJSCODE .= "}\nreturn newValue;\n}\n";
> +			}
> +
>  			if ($this->loadMD5_JS)	{
>  			$out.='
>  			<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->backPath.'md5.js"></script>';
>  			}
> -			$out.='
> -			<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->backPath.'t3lib/jsfunc.evalfield.js"></script>
> +			
> +				// insert some basic evaluations from evaluation extensions
> +			$out .= "\n" .implode("\n", $this->basicJSMethods);
> +		
> +			$out .= '
>  			<script type="text/javascript">
>  				/*<![CDATA[*/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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