[TYPO3-workflow] workflow capabilities

Rico Moorman rico at buyways.nl
Thu Jan 19 16:49:21 CET 2006

will it be also be possible that a workflow action will be triggered 
upon creation and/or modification of some page?

scenario 1:
user edits or creates page...

page isnt visible until acceptance of some reviewer because the workflow 
  in that part of the pagetree says that the reviewer(or the 
backendgroup reviewers) has to accept it..

in case the reviewer isnt happy with the change he can just edit the 
page and publish it himself or send it back (with some message) to the 
user so that he can make changes and submit it again.

scenario 2:
user creates some news in the sysfolder of the tt_news extension ...this 
news isnt visible in the FE until it has been accepted following the 
workflow (workflow says: when you want to be published ... user XYZ or 
usergroup XYZ has to accept it)

thus per page..and record workflow

if it isnt planned I would really love to help to make that kind of 
workflow work in order to improve t3

best wishes

Rico Moorman

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