[TYPO3-mvc] How to compare a DateTime object correctlyinanExtbase query?

Jan Kornblum jan.kornblum at gmx.de
Mon Jan 12 18:46:56 CET 2015

Hi Stefan,

> Well, I didn't expect anybody to use the native datetime mechanism except 
> those dbal guys :)

Oh, nobody told me before ;)

> If your mysql column is "datetime", then using \DateTime objects without 
> ->format() should result in "Y-m-d H:i:s" instead of a unix timestamp. So 2. 
> shows some configuration error.
> Did you miss the "dbType = 'datetime'" configuration?

No, i didn't miss it.

But: The DB column is called "date_published". In the queries i use it 
spelled "datePublished" (->setOrderings() and ->greaterThen()). Both 
seems to work, but might this cause problems?

> Where does this native datetime colum come from? Did you introduce it 
> manually or is this the result of the current extension builder?

Latest extension builder...

> The difference between TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\BackendInterface 
> and TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Storage\BackendInterface still 
> confuses me a little :).

Too much for me at the moment :(

> The Generic\Backend (which implements the Generic\BackendInterface) is aware 
> of the dbType configuration. The Generic\Storage\Typo3DbBackend (which 
> implements the Generic\Storage\BackendInterface) is *not* aware of the dbType 
> configuration.
> Both have a *::getPlainValue() method where the dbType aware magic happens 
> ... or not.
> Could you quickly break point both *::getPlainValue() methods and show which 
> of those is used?

I must confess that i didn't use xdebug or similar things in netbeans 

Kind regards, Jan

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