[TYPO3-mvc] Add object fails

Gianluca Strafella gianluca.strafella at webformat.com
Mon Sep 29 08:45:54 CEST 2014

Hi Valeria,
does your Model extend another Model or database table (i.e. a model 
that extends another model or may be map an existent database table) ?
Could you post the extention configuration (typoscript and/or 
ext_typoscript_setup.txt files content) ?


Gianluca Strafella

Software Developer
gianluca.strafella at webformat.com

WEBFORMAT srl – www.webformat.com

Il 18/09/2014 14:38, Valeria Tabolsky ha scritto:
> Hi,
> i'm new in Typo3 world and I try to develop an extension using MVC and
> Flow. I have the controller with a standard set of functions, all of
> them work fine except createAction. Calling to method add() of
> repository I always have an error: Cannot add or update a child row: a
> foreign key constraint fails.
> Debugging the code, I see that my object is filled with data, all the
> properties have correct values including the foreign ID that for sure
> exists.
> When I use back-end to insert my entities everything works excellent.
> Searching for solution I've found how to print out the last executed
> query  and that is what I see:
> lastBuiltQuery     INSERT INTO tx_links_domain_model_link (pid) VALUES
> ('29')
> of course this query is wrong, but where are all the other properties of
> my object? Why aren't they mapped to table columns?
> Please somebody help me.
> PS: I use v.6.2 of typo3, MySQL5 and php5, Windows.

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