[TYPO3-mvc] Objects created through eID action remain empty

Daniel Völkel d.voelkel at medienwuerfel.de
Fri Sep 19 11:15:14 CEST 2014

Hi Helmut,

my application flow is like this:

1. Plugin Foo with Controller A as tt_content element placed on a page
2. User executes action 1, leading to Controller B on another page
3. User executes action 2 which triggers an Ajax action using eID scripts
4. The returned HTML result contains an URI which is used to trigger action 3 via Ajax using typoscript rendering 

The last step creates the empty objects, probably because of the still remaining eID script in step 3. But I also had empty objects when leaving out step 3 and rendering the HTML in step 4 directly via tt_content element. 
I will now try to get rid of all my eID scripts (unfortunately about 15) and replace them with typoscript rendering. Hopefully, I will also get rid of the empty objects then.

I will keep you updated.

Kind regards,

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