[TYPO3-mvc] Gifbuilder problem

Jolanta Dworczyk jolanta.dworczyk at sysfire.de
Tue Jan 21 08:52:57 CET 2014


We built an extension with extbase 1.3 and Typo3 4.5 .

And there is now a quite strange problem:

If we add our plugin on a page and give this element a title (in the tt_content is this the field "header") the gifbuilder do not rendering images correctly anymore.

The result is there are only grey fields with wrong image names:
Correct: .../images/oldimagename_123456.jpg
Wrong:  .../images/_123456.jpg

The function, which generates the images returns this:

return $Test->IMG_RESOURCE($imgTSConfigLoc);

($Test = $this->configurationManager->getContentObject();
$imgTSConfigLoc = $this->conf['gifbuilder_settings']; //get filled with the image rendering settings)

Is there someone who had this same problem?
What does the IMG_RESOURCE with the header field of tt_content?

Any ideas?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jolanta Dworczyk

PS: Jetzt TYPO3 CMS erleben und kennenlernen auf www.typo3-demoseite.de<http://www.typo3-demoseite.de>

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