[TYPO3-mvc] 6.2 BE List Module raises PHP Warning: Input variables exceeded 1000.

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at d-mind.de
Thu Dec 18 11:46:31 CET 2014

Hi Till,

Am 16.12.2014 um 19:28 schrieb g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch:
> PHP Warning:  Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the
> limit change max_input
> _vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0, referer:
> http://xxx.com/typo3/alt_doc.php?returnUrl=mod.php%3FM%3Dweb_list
> Why is this, and is it safe to increase this limit?
> Is this a hint that something is fishy with my model / class?
it does not mean anything fishy with your model. You probably use IRRE 
('inline' in TCA) to allow inline editing of properties. No problem 
there, it just translates to more <input> fields depending on the number 
of inline objects.

Allowing unlimited number of input variables is considered unsafe 
because there is higher chance to overload your server by spawning LOTS 
of requests with a spoofed paylod (denial-of-service-attacks). Here is a 
thread about that: 
. The safe default is thus quite low. I would not see any harm to raise 
it by a small multiplier.


You can change it like this in your php.ini (in the section [PHP]:
|max_input_vars| = 3000

or in your Apache virtual host configuration or .htaccess:

|php_value max_input_vars3000

If this does not work you might use a PHP with suhosin-patch. You need 
to use the suhosin-options then |(||suhosin.get.max_vars| etc.).


> Cheers,
> Till
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