[TYPO3-mvc] Reuse arguments in different action
Jonas Eberle
jonas.eberle at d-mind.de
Mon Dec 1 12:53:19 CET 2014
Liebe Anja,
Tausend Dank!
That's it!
Am 01.12.2014 um 12:42 schrieb Anja Leichsenring:
> Hi Jonas,
> you can share the namespace between both plugins. Both will then
> receive all the parameters from the other one and you can act as if
> they are not two plugins, but one.
> How this works, is described in the wiki:
> http://wiki.typo3.org/Configurable_Plugin_Namespaces
> Good luck!
> Anja
> On 01.12.2014 12:32, Jonas Eberle wrote:
>> Hello,
>> this is a common pattern that I have yet solved in different (hacky,
>> workaroundy) ways with Extbase. I'd like to hear your oppinions:
>> I have 1 plugin that represents a search form and 1 that represents the
>> result list. Both need to be aware of submitted search parameters (the
>> list because it needs to apply constraints and the search form because
>> it needs to reflect current search constraints by prefilling fields).
>> They need to be separate because they could be presented in different
>> parts of one page or even solo.
>> How do you 'share' those arguments between 2 different plugins and their
>> respective actions?
>> Here is how I did it in recent projects:
>> 1) Define a HttpParametersService (just to keep it separate from the
>> controller) that does some t3lib_div::_GP($key) to get the variables.
>> 2) Just use $_REQUEST directly in the controller to get the key.
>> 3) Use AJAX to drive the list (some projects need to be usable without
>> JavaScript, so this is not always an option)
>> Both seems awkward and non-Extbase-evangelical. Everytime I do this I
>> crawl the web to find any more elegant solutions...
>> Any suggestions?
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