[TYPO3-mvc] Hook for tt_address written for extbase 6.2

Johannes C. Schulz - EnzephaloN IT-Solutions info at enzephalon.de
Thu Jul 4 12:17:05 CEST 2013

Hello friends


While fixing my extensions to get work with 6.1 and 6.2, I have several

Will there be a 6.2-compatible version of tt_address in future?

I've wrote a hook for tt_address in the past, does this hook work in 6.2 or
The Hook:
class tx_address_hook extends tx_ttaddress_pi1{

  public function extraItemMarkerProcessor($markerArray, $address, $lConf,
$lcObj) {             
    $lcObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
    $lcObj->data = $address;
    $markerArray['###LAT###'] =
    $markerArray['###LON###'] =
    $mapurl = "http://www.weimar.de/index.php?map=1";
    $markerArray['###MAPLINK###'] = $lcObj->stdWrap($mapurl .
"&lat=".$address['tt_address_hook_lat'] . "&lon=" .
$address['tt_address_hook_lng'], $lConf['maplink.']);
    $this->lang = t3lib_div::_GP('lang');
    if($this->lang == '') $this->lang = 'de';
    $markerArray['###HTITLE###'] =
$lcObj->stdWrap($LOCAL_LANG[$this->lang]['htitle'], $lConf['htitle.']);
   return $markerArray;



If not, how should I start to write a new one?


Best regards


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