[TYPO3-mvc] TYPO3-Core complete rebuild to realize modern development paradigms?
chris Wolff
chris at connye.com
Mon Aug 12 12:12:33 CEST 2013
Hi Gabriel,
Typo3 Neos is as you said based on Flow and its a completly new
"beast" but a very well thought of.
from a developer standpoint its beautufull.
everything you do is is sourcecode. your system configuration (yaml)
your rendering configuration (typoscript 2.0) your views (fluid)
this means migration from dev to -live server is only a git push (or
an ftp copy) what you prefer.
and all things are clearly seperated in packes. therefore your content
elements are easyly reusable.
there is no more "typoscript editor" or template data in the database.
the database stores the "content" aka nodes of the system. but even
this is easy to export i you want to you could generate en XML data
so its realy easy to create the same node structure on a different system.
a news content element (like an FCE) is some configuration some yaml
for the properties, some typoscript for rendering. and some fluid for
thats the things the developers will like.
for editors on the other hand its amazing: the whole system is what
you see is what you get you could edit every element in place. so you
see what the end user will see. of course this is in your personal
workspace and only visible live if you hit the publish button.
this reduces the overhad the editor has to learn when working with
Neos. the system feels a lot lighter thant typo3 CMS.
this is why i think both ends the developers and the enduser profit
from the new system.
regards chris
2013/8/12 Gabriel Kaufmann | Typoworx <info at typoworx.de>:
> Hello Chris,
> thanks for your feedback.
> I completly agree that a break of current extensions would is inescapeable!
> That's why I made the suggestion for a complete new tree trying to adapt the
> syntax and backend of current TYPO3 releases and do a complete rewrite. I
> also would prefer a complete separate TER for such a tree, as the current
> implementation of mixed TYPO3 4.x and 6.x Extensions is a real pain (my
> 4.7.x TYPO3 projects always report "updates" even if those are then only
> compatible with the 6.x tree).
>> i think its better to have an continous improvments on the core
>> than an rewrite.
> I can only partly agree with to that. Of course it would be better, but
> don't forget that even tiny changes can lead into incompatibility for some
> extensions. There may be a lot of work to archieve only small effects on
> trying to rewrite an old concept that may be can never really lead into a
> good rewrite at all as some old static concepts are untouchable (touching
> them may also lead into a large compatibility issue then).
> So I would prefer adapting the existing concept only, but do a code-rewrite.
>> if you are looking for a modern codebase you Should focus your work
>> more on TYPO3 Neos they plan to have an 1.0 release in Oktober this
>> year.
> I'm also looking forward to that and I'm watching the progress. I did'nt
> have a look in the recent core-code yet (it's planned), but I fear that even
> there is too much of the old code only copied rather than adapted to
> something new. If NEOS would lead into another TYPO3-Version that doesn't
> make a cut-off of old coding paradigms that have been used in current 4.x
> and 6.x versions, this would be only another half solution into something
> modern.
> As far as I know TYPO3-NEOS is basing on FLOW - this would (what I hope)
> implicate that there already Doctrine has been used for database handling.
> Extbase on TYPO3 4.x and 6.x has lead ito a dead-birth in my opinion as
> Extbase still bases on the very old and unstable first versions of FLOW3.
> And even TYPO3 6.x didn't do the "cut-off" I had expected for a new TYPO3
> major-version trying to introduce something new to the community.
> Maybe someone in here already know's more about TYPO3-NEOS concepts?
> So let's wait which direction TYPO3-NEOS is going to... I'll hope the best.
> I'm still interested anyway what other users of the community think about my
> initial idea ;-)
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christian wolff - webdeveloper, tech-loving geek and typo3 enthusiast
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email: chris at connye.com
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